Сочинения по картинам и литературе

Сочинение на тему: "Me in the world of professions"

Все материалы с раздела: Сочинения русскому языку

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       In the 21st century, when the choice of professions is especially big, it is harder to be determined to what you want to devote all your life. 

       You must choose what do you like, what will bring you joy and satisfaction. Every year appears new professions and everyone has very big choice. 

      Someone knows what he wants to be since the school years. Perhaps, he preferred some subject at school and now he wants to choose the relevant profession. Someone plans to follow his parents’ footsteps, to keep their business. But the main thing is that everyone must decide what is nearer to him, listen to his heart, otherwise he will hate his job. 

       There are many honorable and useful professions for society and country , such as: a teacher, a doctor, an engineer, an accountant, a programmer, a lawer and many, many others. Each of these professions is very important and requested. For creative personalities there are such interesting professions, as an actor, a singer, an announcer on radio or TV, a journalist and so on. 

      When I was a child I wanted to be a doctor like my mother. I looked at her and dreamed that I will help and save people like her. I admired her white clothes and wanted the same. The profession of doctor is one of the noblest and ancient. Doctors care about our health, help us to be happy. Our country needs in doctors, it is honorable and necessary profession. 

      I remember the good expression: “If you will do your favourite things, you will not have to work”. It means that if your business brings you pleasure, you will not consider it like a job, but a hobby. 

      Human who choosed really “his” profession, will not only earn money, but fill himself useful for others, he will do his work with joy. 

      Everybody must know his interests and skills while choosing profession and he will exactly know what the profession is indeed “his”.

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